
Friday, March 9, 2012

Calling All Art Educators...Travelling, Classroom, and Cart Alike!

I've come across a study in art education that I feel is greatly important on the impact of student learning.

Heidi Lung is an art educator who is currently researching the practice of art on a cart.  She has developed a webpage to gather research and insight from fellow educators.  

Trading Classrooms for Carts: Investigations into the Practice of Art-on-a-Cart is a research study with the goal to better understand the challenges faced by art-on-a-cart educators and to identify successful strategies used in art-on-a-cart practice.  

This study aims to add to the body of art education research by providing insight for practitioners, school administrators, and policy makers by 1) accurately describing the art-on-a-cart phenomenon; 2) providing a better understanding of the applications of art-on-a-cart and its place in the field of arts education; and   3) identifying best practices

This research study seeks to describe the art-on-a-cart practice through the voices of practitioners.  Your experiences and stories of the elementary art-on-a cart practice is her focus. If you are an elementary art educator on a cart, she needs to hear from YOU!

If you are an art teacher in a traditional classroom and have practiced art-art-on-a-cart in the past, please feel free to contact Heidi Lung on her website. If you yourself have never practiced art-on-a-cart before, perhaps you know of someone currently teaching art-from-a-cart? Please feel free to direct them to the website.  Your participation is most appreciated!

Please visit for more details and to sign up for the newsletter.