
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why Pinterest is a Blessing for Traveling Art Teachers

There are tons of blog posts out there that brag about the amazing superpowers of Pinterest.  This post may not be so different, but I felt it's important to share just how much Pinterest has helped me with my lessons while traveling, and even on a cart.

Pinterest helped lighten the load of materials to carry.  Yes, that's right...less materials to pack from school to school.  What made it possible?  The ability to upload print-outs and documents to share.  I have also found other print-outs shared by other pinners that have been quite useful!  Since I've started using Pinterest in my classroom, I spend the morning printing up my handouts for my classes from the pins I have saved onto special boards.  Now all I carry from school to school is my laptop, which is a HUGE load off my back.  I started off with a suitcase every day!

Pinterest helps my organize my lessons.  I have my boards set up in grade levels, along with separate boards for seasonal projects, cultural, cross-curricular, literature based, etc.  I plan it that way to make it easy to find a project idea.  Everyone is different, and I like to call it "organized chaos."

Pinterest helps me to find my websites faster.  When I start a lesson, I create a Powerpoint, or show an interactive website.  Instead of keeping websites in my favorites bar (which has filled up so much I can't find anything anymore),  I organize those sites in boards set up for my projects.  I've even begun setting up a Pinterest account for my school email, so I can organize one project at a time with the ideas I've used.

Pinterest makes it easy to show videos.  Similar to websites, I save videos that I show with certain projects.  When I attempted to save videos in my favorites bar at work, I couldn't find them because they all started with "" (which is impossible to figure out sometimes!)  With the ability to pin videos onto my boards, I can quickly find my pin and open the video for students to view!

Pinterest made it possible to collaborate with other teachers in my district...without taking extra time to meet!  You know how you can create a new board?  Add another pinner to your board by typing in your co-worker's name (if they're on Pinterest too), and you two can share pins together for your cross-curricular lesson.

And as much as everyone's heard this before, the same goes for every art teacher who uses Pinterest: Pinterest has helped expand my curriculum.  Thank to all the amazing art teachers who believe in sharing ideas and not selling them, a network of 21st century skilled art educators borrow ideas on Pinterest and blog posts pinned onto Pinterest, and they even pay it forward by posting their own projects!

Personally, I do not believe in selling lesson plans (unless you go through the efforts of creating your own book), I believe in a network of sharing ideas.  I do not feel I can claim any project ideas as my own original work because I may have been inspired by thousands of other ideas without remembering where I may have received them.  I love to see others take an idea I shared on Pinterest and re-pinning their accomplishments with their students.

I believe in paying it forward.  If you've borrowed lessons from Pinterest, re-post your finished projects.  Share your accomplishments.  Follow other art educators and open new doors for collaboration.

Lastly, I need to pay my respects, because with the help of Pinterest, the viewership of my personal blog has increased.  Every post I make in my blog is pinned so I can share my insight with others, and the word can spread.  Thank you, Pinterest, for helping the art teachers, including those who travel.  You helped lighten my load to carry.


  1. Love all your input about pinterest and I must admit I am a regular on the pages searching for inspiration. But I can't access it at school. How did you talk your district into making it available to you? I would love to be able to create a board for videos that I could access for in school use but I also can't access those at school. Is there away to get around the firewalls? Educate me! : )

    1. I had a few conversations with our technology guy, and there were a few times I said,"We're gonna have words if you take my PInterest away!" After being introduced to Pinterest at the state art education conference, I made it clear to the curriculum director how important this website was for educators. I even presented a technology hour after school on how it can be used in the classroom, which overbooked with interested co-workers! Pinterest is one of those sites where you can stray easily from your main objectives of looking for lessons and spotting a recipe of what you would like to cook for dinner that night. I've improved my curriculum with Pinterest projects and have shared the importance of the website with the district. The nice thing is that many faces in our district technology committee feel the same way.

      I recommend advocating the usefulness of the website to your curriculum department and request the site to be unblocked for use in your classroom. If they have issues with it, show them Donna Staten's boards or even my boards and how organizing lesson ideas as pins can be an extremely resource for classroom teachers.

  2. Through the help of Pinterest, you can share all your art works, recipes or adventure by just pinning photos. That's why ladies and artist love to use Pinterest.

    Pinterest marketing

  3. Hei Heidi, very cool review of Pinterest for Art! Did you hear about BAZAART? it's a free iPad app for creating free-form collages from Pinterest pins. It's pretty cool :)

  4. Sorry, I haven't since I do not have an iPad yet. I'm still battling getting one for my classroom, but when I do, I'll check it out :)
